February Product Updates

We are happy to inform you about the new features of teammeter.
The biggest improvement is the introduction of trainings and roles. Trainings which are matching the development goals are suggested in the development plan. The skill matrix is now better suited for cross-functional teams as you can filter it by roles.
Finally, the user experience of the survey and retrospective tool have been improved.



Skill spider diagram improvement

You can now browse the category tree in the skill catalog to select the skills displayed in the skill spider diagram.

Skill Profile

Selection of roles

Each employee can select his roles/functions in the company. Teammeter proposes then skills to be added to the skill profile. The roles are defined in the skill catalog.

Training proposals

Teammeter suggests trainings according the skill development goals and the target levels in the training. The same feature exists in the skill matrix.

Skill Matrix

Certification status

We have introduced a new view in the skill matrix to display the status of certifications:

Filtering by role (employee function)

You can select the roles that you would like to display in the skill matrix

Skill Catalog

Search function

It is now possible to search skills or categories in the catalog

Training catalog

The catalog manager can add trainings and link them to skills of the catalog.

Configurable scales

You can change the description of levels for different types of skills, for example for soft skills.
It is also possible to override the level description for each skill.

Grouping of skills by topic

Topics can contain skills across multiple categories and can be used for search in the skill catalog.

Multi-Language and Synonyms

You can define the translations and synonyms for a skill. The automatic translation is on our roadmap.
This makes easier to detect skill duplicates in your catalog.

Health Checks & Retros


New design of the survey form

The users can choose between the display of questions as a list or as slides. The design has been also improved for mobile phones.


New retro templates

We have introduced the WRAP retrospective and the possible to edit own retro templates.

Drag & Drop in the reflect phase

During the reflect phase, you can drag & drop topics to other columns.