Introducing our new retrospective tool

Screen of the Teammeter retrospective

We are happy to introduce our new retrospective tool in teammeter. Our retro tool what at the beginning of teammeter only planned for reflecting health checks. Now it able to run classical online retrospectives based on retro templates. The health checks are now integrated smoothly in the recurrent team retrospectives and do not need an extra meeting anymore.

What are the common problems with agile retrospectives?

An Agile retrospective is a team meeting held at the end of an iteration to reflect on what went well and what could be improved, with the goal of enhancing future performance and processes.

This iterative feedback loop helps teams adapt and deliver higher-quality results over time, making it a cornerstone of Agile methodologies’ success in delivering value to customers efficiently and effectively.

However, many teams tend to skip retrospectives, giving the excuse that they are too busy.  

That is generally a big failure, because the team risks missing big interpersonal issues threatening its existence. 

Facilitating a good retrospective is very challenging. We observe very often the following:  

  • Retros turns into interminable discussions about problems.
  • Some participants keep their distance and do not contribute to the outcome. 
  • When there are actions decided in the retro, they get not implemented by the team. 
  • The real painful problems (the elephants in the room) are not addressed. 
  • The team completely misses very important points in their reflection. 
  • Participants get quickly bored by the retro formats.
  • Many teams are working in hybrid mode, which makes physical retros impossible. 

If the retros are effective and generate outcome, the team members will enjoy coming to it and  

Why using teammeter for your retros?

We have integrated a retrospective tool in teammeter which is fun and very effective. For that we have used gamification theory to provide the best user experience.

Our retrospective tool comes with:

  • Unique funny retro templates and icebreakers that will create a great atmosphere in your team. 
  • A retro assistant to guide you the retro steps. 
  • Anonymous health checks adapted to your team. The team is safe to raise problems and discover new insights about their teamwork. 
  • Embedded brainstorming and voting of actions, so that every team member is encouraged to contribute. 
  • Recommendation from a method catalog to bring your team forward.
  • A tight integration with Jira to create the Jira tickets directly in your retro.

What about retrospectives with online whiteboards?

Many teams use online whiteboards as they use to do retrospectives in the office. A structured retro tool is more effective because the information is better sorted and the tool focuses on getting the outcome that you need. In teammeter, the team is guided to through the retro workflow, which makes the retro very effective.
We have chosen to structure the information of a retro to make it more clear, accessible and goal-oriented.

What makes our retrospective tool unique?

They are already many retrospective tools on the market. We have tried about 30 different tools and have not found what we were looking for.

Our retrospective is unique for combining the features mentioned before. It is integrated with extensive health checks making teammeter a all-in-one platform for the development of teams.

We believe that the power of retrospectives is not yet exploited. We envision our tool as the central place for learning and improving, supported by data analytics and artificial intelligence. 

Do you want to see our retrospective tool in action? Then register for a free 30-days trial here