The agile culture
The Business Agility model measure the adoption of agile practices in your organization, which is also called agile culture. It contains the values, behaviors and professional practices common to the personnel of the organization. An agile culture is based on the values and principles of the Agile Manifesto which were laid down in 2001. Originally applied to Software Development, the values and principles of the agile culture are now applied in every business which is dealing with complexity and volatility.
Measure the Maturity of a group

The four dimensions of Agile Culture
An Agile organization needs teams made up of motivated individuals committed to results. Trust between individuals is essential to be able to manage conflicts. In his study Aristotle, Google has identified psychological safety as the number one criterion for team performance. This security is measured by the ability of people on a team to talk about troublesome issues. Without this security, issues not discussed as a team can lead to poor decisions and serious operational difficulties. The same principles of collaboration between individuals apply to functioning between teams. An agile organization needs teams pursuing the same goal and able to manage conflicts between them. Having functional teams, that is, teams capable of collaborating effectively, is a prerequisite for the other three principles.
Trust motivated people Carry out projects with motivated people. Provide them with the environment and support they need and trust them to achieve the goals set. Communicating Directly Face-to-Face The easiest and most effective method of conveying information to and within the development team is through face-to-face dialogue.
Foster Autonomy The best architectures, specifications, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.
Value Generation
Deliver quickly Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer by quickly and regularly delivering features with high added value. Collaborate with users Users or their representatives and developers must work together daily throughout the project. Watching over quality Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design. Keep it simple Simplicity – the art of minimizing the amount of unnecessary work – is key.
Accept changes Welcome changes in needs positively, even late in the project. Agile processes harness change to give the customer a competitive advantage. Deliver frequently Deliver functional software frequently, in cycles of a few weeks to a few months, with a preference for the shortest. Measuring Progress Working software is the primary measure of project progress. Maintain a constant and sustainable pace Agile processes encourage a sustainable pace of development. Together, sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a steady pace indefinitely. Continuously improve At regular intervals, the team reflects on possible ways to become more effective. Then it adapts and modifies its operation accordingly.
The Business Agility Index is an indicator of agile practices in the company. Initiated by the Agile Manifesto in 2001, these practices have been improved and are now a standard in all companies operating in a complex environment. Specific to each organization, the Business Agility Index serves above all as a basis for reflection to improve its practices and best solve customer problems. In the following articles, you can learn how to measure the Business Agility with TeamMeter.