Synchronize the retro actions with Jira

teammeter has an integration with any Jira to synchronize the actions created during a retro with a Jira project. Learn how to configure it and use it.

When a team space is integrated with Jira:

  • Retro actions are automatically added to your Jira project.
  • You can update the status of actions in both directions.

Configuration of the Jira integration

The integration with Jira can be configured for your team space. Go to “Settings > Integrations”

Enter the following information:

  • The server URL of your Jira instance on the Jira cloud or on premises
  • The user name for cloud instance
  • The API Token. See this documentation to create one.
  • The project that should contain your retro actions.
  • The type of issue to be created.

How to synchronize retro actions with Jira

In a retro

Jira tickets are automatically created during a retro when you create an action. You can see the link to the Jira issue in the action title.

From the action list

Before reviewing the status of actions in teammeter, you may want to update with your last changes in the Jira tickets.
Go to your team space and go to “Actions”. Click on the button “Synchronize with Jira”. The status, description and title of tickets will be updated.

From the action detail

From an action description you can open the Jira ticket. When you change the ticket status, description or title it will be automatically updated in teammeter. You do not need to synchronize the action list again.