The Data Protection is at the heart of our concerns. We minimize the storage and access of personal information to the strict necessary. We provide a safe environment for teams to express themselves without fearing negative consequences.
Personal information
We store following personal information of the users for authentication in the application:
- Name
- Email
- Password – only when Single Sign-On is not activated
- Profile picture
To be able to authenticate the user, we store an authentication token in a cookie for a duration of 30 minutes. The user is logged out after 30 minutes of inactivity.
Team data
Only the Coach and Members of a team can access to a team space.
Administrators and Coachs from the parent unit have no access to the team data.
Data aggregation
The organization can aggregate data from related organizational units and teams. The purpose of TeamMeter is to identify common problems in the organization and not to compare teams. It is not possible to separate data from specific organizational units and to gain access to them. For the sake of transparency, teams and units have access to this aggregated data.
The surveys are run anonymously and does not require an authentification to participate. The participation to a survey is possible by accessing an URL with a randomly generated reference number which is kept private within the team.
It is not possible to track back the persons behind the answers as we do not store IP addresses of the participants.
To prevent a user to participate twice to a survey, we store on his browser a Cookie for the duration of the survey which is by default one week. The cookie is unique for the survey and contains an identification number which is not associated with the user information.
Like for surveys, we need to identify participants to avoid having a participant to join two times a retrospective.
For this purpose we store on the participant browser a cookie for the maximal duration of a retrospective which is 4 hours.
The participant is free to select and avatar and write a name at the beginning of the retrospective.
Names are used optionally to know who is responsible of an action decided during a retrospective.
The team has the possibility to use pseudonyms if they don’t want their personal information to be stored.
Retention of data
We store data for a maximal duration of two years after the last access.
Survey and retrospective data is kept maximal for two years, independantly of the last access date.
Data storage
The data is stored in Frankfurt, Germany by our provider Amazon Web Services.
See the AWS Data Protection policy.
Data transmission
We don’t share or transmit the data of your company to partners or clients.